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Extend your existing website with a member portal

wordpress intranetLast month a Wordpress webmaster contacted us and wanted to benefit from all the features that a member portal can offer. We made a calculation to rebuild the complete Wordpress website to Joomla. The prospect thinks 3 weeks and decides this step takes too much resources: both time and costs. The Wordpress website does its job in offering a user friendly method to publish articles in an attractive lay out. The prospect decided to continue using excel as their "member administration" without realtime interface to their accounting program, document management and CRM.

This example does not stand alone; almost 80% of the organizations hesitate to throw away a functioning website and start with a brand new complete member portal, but on the other hand they are aware they are missing lots of online functionality on the existing website.

For this group of organizations we created an intermediate solution; combining the strengths of the two content management systems. Keep the current website as-it-is and adding a dedicated member portal in 10 minutes, built together using a bridge.

The bridge does 2 things:

  1. Show the member portal to members as if it is integrated in the existing www website (technical details here)
  2. Syncing the member data to the existing website so that the CRM can be carried out. Newsletters can be send with content from the Wordpress website, to the up to date member list from the member portal (technical details here).

You can decide to build the bridge yourself, or outsource the work to one of our Certified Partners. Contact us for more information and costings.




wordpress member portal

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