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Welcome to the English MyMemberSoftware documentation. For Dutch press this link

MyMember Administration

Our open source Member Administration tool. Pre configured to administrate members for associations, clubs and businesses of every size.

Open-source software (OSS) is a type of computer software in which source code is released under a license in which we grant users the rights to use, study, change, and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose.

MyMember Subscription

For our hosting platform we have built a Joomla component to collect the annual (or monthly) membership fees via 4 different payment methods: SEPA pain automatic collection, Acceptgiro, iDEAL and Bank transfer. It only runs on our platform because we need specialized software which doesn't run on general webhosting servers. This component also collects one time fees such as penalties.

MyMember Synchro

MMS Synchro is the solution to synchronize member data on the website with external online administration packages. MMS Synchro has a production version for synchronization with Conscribo and e-boekhouden.

Members can be administrated on the Association's website with MMS Administration. In MMS Synchro you can configure which fields to be synchronized, and which is the key to match. The fields to be synchronized need to exist in both solutions, they will be synchronized from MMS -> external database. The following field types will be synchronized:

  • MMS Text -> External Text
  • MMS Date -> External Date jjjj-mm-dd
  • MMS Select value label -> External Text
  • MMS Amount -> External Amount

A crontab is called (every 5 minutes for example), and changed members can be automatically created, updated and deleted in the external administration package.

The synchronization is activated by a cronjob:

The data are synchronized with JSON (Conscribo) / SOAP (e-Boekhouden) via https, so the connection is encrypted and safe. The sync is one-way, the "truth" is in MMS.


Some components are better than others ! The past 5 years, we selected Joomla components for clients, based on the criteria Quality, Continuity and Functionality. We need each of these 3 elements to get a usefull component. Great functionality and programming quality but not in the next Joomla version (no Continuity) is not usable.


We don't intend to program every function ourself. Instead, we developed interfaces to selected partners. These plugins are downloadable in our shop. Some free, some at low cost. If you miss a usefull service, and you can program, you are invited to develop an interface on our open source based MMS.

  • Syncemail2mms - when the Joomla e-mail is changed, update the MMS e-mail
  • Club Collect - Outsourcing the collection of membership fees for associations and clubs
  • Socie - Association app for mobile and tablet
  • Doorbetalers - Generate SEPA files based on member data
  • Conscribo - Data interface to synchronize member data to the financial administration
  • e-Boekhouden - Data interface to synchronize member data to the financial administration
  • King Software - XML interface to synchronize member data to the financial administration
  • Acymailing - Use member data to populate Acymailing lists
  • Logging - All changes to member data are logged for audit trails
  • Joomla Groups - Members can be assigned Joomla groups from the frontend

Integrating your member portal

It is perfectly possible to integrate your member portal in an existing website (Wordpress, Joomla, Drupal, etc).

  • Wordpress - Integrate visually but also the member data into Wordpress
  • Joomla - MMS is a native Joomla component
  • Drupal - Integrate visually

Frequently asked questions

Questions about the software.


* Creating a build
* The installation manifest
* Test
* Best practices
* Naming conventions
* Crypt gpg